Thursday, July 14, 2016

Boost Your Metabolism By Eating Early

We've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And in terms of boosting your metabolism, this is indeed the case! There are a couple of reasons why eating a hearty and healthy breakfast can boost metabolism and lead to weight loss goals.

Boost Your Metabolism

The first reason is that people who eat breakfast are much less inclined to snack throughout the morning. For example, if you had a good breakfast of fruit and low-sugar cereal in the morning, your chances of visiting the vending machine at work around 10:30am diminish significantly.

Of course, as you recall from our previous discussion on eating more frequently, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't eat something between breakfast and lunch.

It simply means that, since you won't be extremely hungry at 10:30am (because you skipped breakfast), you'll be less inclined to eat anything that you get your hands on; such as a nice donut that your co-worker was kind enough to offer you.

In other words, by starting your day in a nutritious way, you'll have more control over what you eat throughout the day.

The second reason is more aligned with metabolism-boosting. Studies have shown that metabolism slows during sleep, and doesn't typically get going again until you eat.

Therefore, starting the day with breakfast is like kickstarting your metabolism. You'll actually burn more calories throughout the day, simply by eating breakfast (hey, who knew?!).

Remember: as you eat your breakfast, control both the portion and the contents. You don't want to eat to the point of complete fullness; because, remember, you want to eat throughout the day and you won't be able to do that if you're stuffed.

At the same time, beware of high-fat breakfasts. Studies have shown that high-fat breakfasts, such as those that include bacon and sausage, not only deliver lots of calories (there are 9 calories for every gram of fat, as compared to 4 for every gram of carbohydrates and proteins, respectively).

But they also can make you very hungry again, very soon! So in addition to having ingested a lot of fat (and hence a lot of calories), you'll typically find yourself rather ravenous again in a few hours.

Alternatively, breakfasts that are high in fiber take longer to digest, and thus, the body won't be hungry again for a while.

This is something to bear in mind; and it may explain why many people who eat breakfast find themselves painfully hungry by lunchtime; it's not their "overactive metabolism" at work; it's the high fat content, which has been swiftly digested.

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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Boost Your Metabolism by Eating More?

What's the number one easiest way to lose weight? By boosting your metabolism! Boosting your metabolism is the key to passive fat loss. The faster your metabolism is, the more calories you'll burn throughout the day. Wouldn't it be great if there were a way to boost your metabolism and lose weight without going on some fad diet? There is, and for most people, it means eating more food!

Boost Your Metabolism

The very first thing most people do when they want to lose weight is limit the number of calories they eat in a day. In a way, they're on the right track. In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit in your body. One way to do this is to eat less. So what do these people do? They cut out a meal or two.

That's a sure fire way to cut calories, and a sure fire way to not lose weight! The problem with this technique is that the body regularly thinks it's being starved. It goes into self-preservation mode and begins to store every single calorie you eat as fat! The results seen from this type of diet start with a 5 pound loss of weight in a week, followed by absolutely no fat loss with huge drops in energy and motivation. Have you experienced this? Most people have.

Instead of starving the body of calories in hopes of losing a pound, eat many meals a day. It sounds counterintuitive, but it's an unstoppable way of boosting your metabolism. So how many meals are right for you? The typical person should eat 6-8 meals a day. This does not mean 6-8 full course meals like you might be eating now. You still need to limit your calories. Follow this formula to learn how many calories you need to be eating:
  • Measure your body weight in pounds.
  • Multiply that number by 12. The resulting number is the total number of calories you need to eat per day to lose weight.
  • Divide the number of calories you need to eat per day by 7. This number is the rough amount of calories you should eat per meal to achieve the desired total number.
Start this process today and start boosting your metabolism. Find your desired calories per meal with the above formula, and plan out a daily meal plan with that amount of calories per meal for 6-8 meals. I find it easiest to use the same meal plan every day for a week. Then, the following week, measure your bodyweight again and make adjustments to your meal plan. Before long your metabolism will be in fast forward and you'll be burning more calories watching TV than most people burn jogging!

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - Drinking Water and Weight Loss

Have you ever struggled to lose weight? Maybe you are on a diet program and you exercise everyday, but still fail to lose any significant weight. But wait a minute. There could be a reason why shedding excess pounds is so hard. Do you know that your body can store 5 to 10 pounds of water weight? Before you go on any weight loss program, let's discuss how drinking water and weight loss go hand and hand.

Lose 10 Pounds

The problem why most people cannot lose weight is that they do not drink enough water. You must understand that the human body is roughly 70 to 75 percent water so you must give it what it wants. The body works in this manner. Let's say for instance you only drink 2 glasses of water a day. This clearly is not enough water for the body to function properly. The body needs that water to survive so it will go into "storing mode". Once in storing mode, the body will collect as much water that it can out of juices, sodas and other drinking products. The body will even try to absorb water through your pores during a shower just to get what it craves. So the little water your body is collecting over time is being stored and stored, which causes an increase in weight.

So what is the solution? The solution is to drink plenty of water daily. At least 8 glasses of water throughout the day to keep the body hydrated. When your body adjusts to the constant flow of water its taking in it thinks, "Well I have plenty of water coming in, I can get rid of the excess". The body will then allow more water to leave the body, allowing you to lose the water weight that is holding you down.

It is recommended that before your start any weight loss program, you should drink plenty of water routinely. Drinking plenty of water will not only shed 10 - 15 pounds off of you quickly, it will also cleanse your body of radicals and contaminants.

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